82 Votes

RBD-937 Celebrity Spouse Preparing Reiko Kobayakawa

  • Views:
  • 42043 Viewed.
  • Release:
  • 05-08-2019

RBD-937 Celebrity Spouse Preparing Reiko Kobayakawa. Yuri who was born in the house of a bowler and brought up with her husband, Taisei, who is the chairman of Harima Group while being brought up. Taisei loves Yuri, but she has a bad woman, and she made a cheating with a young housekeeper, and her bedroom is different. In an effort to appease his unhappy wife, he hired butler Ishida instead of the housekeeper who was fired. However, while Yuri throws a word with a thorn every time there is a stagnation of Ishida while accumulating. Then, one afternoon, Ishida's endearing bag was finally broken....

RBD-937 Celebrity Spouse Preparing Reiko Kobayakawa

Cast: Kobayakawa Reiko Category: Asian, Big Ass, Blowjobs, Censored, Cowgirl, Creampie, Cumshot, Doggy Style, Gangbang, Handjob, Married Woman, Mature, Rape & Bondage. 呉服商の家に生まれお嬢様育ちのまま播磨グループ会長である夫・大成のもとに嫁いできた由梨。大成は由梨の事を愛してはいるが女癖が悪く、若い家政婦と浮気をしたのがバレ、以来寝室は別。不機嫌な妻をなだめようと、クビにした家政婦の代わりに執事の石田を雇ったのだった。しかし事あるごとにトゲのある言葉を投げつける由梨に石田の鬱憤は溜まる一方。そしてある昼下がり、ついに石田の堪忍袋の緒が切れたのだった

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